During the visit, I had a very funny encounter with this one particular parrot. Well, a typical parrot would usually greet you with a simple "hello" or "good morning". But guess what? This one thought that it was a CAT!!! Yes, it actually meaooww-ed!!! And mind you, it really sounded like a cat. Sadly, I didn't manage to capture a good shot of the parrot due to the surrounding cages. Sigh.
Owh well, here are some photos that I've taken at the park.
Rabbit Eats Lettuce
Motherly Love
Sun Bear
The Gibbon
Little Umbrellas (my personal favorite)
Reaching High
wow i look hot! hahahaha... sorry the posts r too lenghty for me.. maybe when i hv the time. hehe
i'm loving the mushroom. beauty mushroom. especially the 'Reaching high". sav ur fav 4 u. even though i like it too. =>
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